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Navigating the Nonsense:

How to Not Get Lost in the Swirl of Their Underfunctioning

LIVE Online Masterclass with Dr. Ashley + Replay

Friday, October 25, 2024

10am - 12pm MST

Are you an Overfunctioning Woman in Love who is tired of your Underfunctioning Partner’s emotional nonsense? Tired of getting pulled into their circular conversations and endless mind games? Tired of feeling  guilty, confused, resentful, and burnt-out ?


This next Masterclass was made for you!


Their Underfunctioning is confusing AF. One minute they're behaving like the "nice guy" and promising to do better or try harder. And the next minute they're lashing out (again!), letting you down (again!), blaming you for their problems (again!), and skirting all accountability or responsibility (again!). They convince you that your feelings, your reactions, and your expectations are out of line, and that if you would just communicate better or be nicer to them then everything would be fine. And they don't seem to have this problem with anyone wonder if maybe it really is you?!?

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But despite years (decades?) of trying to be a better communicator and a nicer partner while also dishing out endless amounts of patience and forgiveness, nothing seems to be changing on their end. In fact, it's actually feeling worse!


Of course you're feeling confused. And wondering if you're crazy. This is crazy-making. 


But, here's what I know to be true...


 >>> You are not crazy. You are IN crazy. <<< 


The crazy is non-sensical. So in this Masterclass, we're going to make sense out of the nonsense!


You will learn what is really going on with their Underfunctioning Psychology, so that you can clearly see through their false convictions and accusations. You will also learn practical strategies to sidestep their manipulation, avoidance, and gaslighting...all while holding on to your clarity, confidence, and self-respect! You will become a Self-Restored Woman, regardless of what they do (or don't do). â€‹â€‹


Here's what you can look forward to learning in this Masterclass:

  • The Psychology of Their Underfunctioning...because their avoidance is not your fault, despite what they say!

  • 10 Unique & Effective Strategies to Sidestep the Nonsense...because you're done with their guilt trips, blame-shifting, and drowning in self-doubt!

  • Reasonable Expectations in Love...because it's time you know that what you're asking for is NOT too much!​


This will be a LIVE online class that I am teaching on Friday, October 25, 2024 from 10am-12pm MST. And don’t worry if you can’t attend live ~ your registration also gives you lifetime access to the replay, PDF guide, and Bonus 1-hr Q&A recording. 


All for less than the price of one pair of Lulu Align leggings. 🙃 


For just $107, you will learn how to get out of their swirl of Underfunctioning with  clarity, confidence, and self-respect ​


Hi! I'm Dr. Ashley, a seasoned psychotherapist with over 20 years experience dedicated to guiding Overfunctioning Women towards transformative Self-Restoration. Having personally navigated the many challenges of Overfunctioning in Love in my own marriage, while also helping thousands of clients hand-craft their own personal evolution, I intimately understand every nook and cranny of this courageous transformation. 


I am here to be a guiding light that helps you make sense out of the nonsense, raise your standards, and take brave steps towards creating the life ~ and the love ~ you desire...and deserve. I'm so glad you're here!

What Participants Are Saying About My Masterclasses:​​


Ready to make sense out of the nonsense?

Register by 10/25 to lock in your savings! After that, prices will double.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Who is this Masterclass for?

This Masterclass is for Overfunctioning Women in Love who are tired of feeling manipulated, guilt-tripped, blamed, and exhausted from trying everything they know how to make their relationship better. 


The information presented in this class is useful whether you are currently in a relationship or single, and whether you are wanting to stay with your partner or are considering ending the relationship. This class is about arming YOU with knowledge and skills that will shield you from nonsense - whether it's in the relationship or another one. 



Are slides and visuals used during the Masterclass?

Yes! The screen shows me speaking and the slides with the content I am teaching. 


What do I get for my investment?

A lot! You are getting 3 hours of insanely good education with me ~ an expert on the Overfunctioning Woman in Love. A 3-hr therapy session with me would cost you way more than this class!


But you're not just getting 3 hours of teaching. You're also getting 20+ years of professional expertise and personal experience. I have conducted thousands upon thousands of hours of psychotherapy, and I have mastered the art (and science) of healing. I know what works, and what doesn't. In these 3 hours of teaching, I give you the most important and effective nuggets you need for your transformation. I also draw on my many years of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at various Universities ~ I know how to present material in an organized and relatable way. 


Lastly, I was once an Overfunctioning Woman in Love. I, too, got lost in the swirl of their Underfunctioning. Once upon a time, I didn't know how to navigate the nonsense. But, eventually I found my way out, and I'm here to help you find yours


And here's the other thing ~ this might sound cheesy, but it's so true ~ you will get an up-leveling in your own personal growth as you make the decision to invest in yourself. The moment you register, you grow. Because there is power in saying, "I deserve to spend this time and money on myself. I'm done drowning in guilt and self-doubt!" As this potent energy expands inside of you, so will your Self-Restoration.​​ 



What if I can't attend the live online class?

No problem! Your registration gives you  lifetime access to the replay , so you can watch anytime after the live class ends.



Can I get a refund if I decide to not attend the live online class?

Because you will receive a link to attend the class immediately upon registration, no refunds will be given once you have registered. However, you will have lifetime access to watch the replay, so no worries if you can't attend live. â€‹

Ready to be the next Self-Restoring Woman who sidesteps their swirl and puts an end to the endless guilt trips?!?

👑 The Self-Restored Woman in you doesn't want to wait any longer 👑

>>> Register by Sunday 10/25 to watch the live class AND get lifetime access to the replay.. <<<

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